Our anniversary party is
right around the corner, and bookseller Susannah has gone above and beyond the
call of duty to put together an A-to-Z of our indie decade.
A: Is for Anniversary!
Our tenth! How time flies when you love what you do. And so happy to be a
fiercely independent bookstore during these times. Time to party! Also A is for
Authors! We never know who might be visiting us season to season but hosting
new authors never gets old. Meeting John Waters and Ian Rankin were personal
highlights for me.
B: Is for Bestsellers!
Our Indie bestseller list has held such gems over the years as The Elegance of the Hedgehog, Olive Kitteridge and Seamus Heaney's Beowulf.
C: Is for Customers! For
all those loyal customers who have supported us since the doors opened and for
all the new ones who continue to find us. And for all the avid readers who love
to browse, who can't leave with just one book, and love an impromptu book
discussion at the cash register. Also for the children who have graduated to
the Young Adult section who first came in as babies. And for those who come
looking for that elusive book with almost no information - I love a good
treasure hunt! Keep coming back - we love you all.
D: Is for Dogs! Dogs are
customers too and we love to see them. We even printed a calendar a year or so
ago featuring regular canine visitors. We have cookies behind the counter for
all good dogs - please come up and shake paws!
E: Is for Events! Famous
authors, local authors with their debut book, poetry readings, Harry Potter
parties.... and so much more - we've done it all in the last ten years.
F: Is for Froggy paper!
What do you mean you've never had a purchase gift-wrapped in our signature
froggy paper? What are you waiting for?
G: Is for Neil Gaiman! We
had over 5000 special orders for The Ocean at the End of the Lane and a sold-out speaking engagement that none of us will forget for a long time.
H: Is for Handselling!
Over ten years of being able to inflict my personal taste on as many people as
possible! What a great job and my personal favorite part of being a bookseller,
especially at Christmas when everyone needs some ideas!
I: Is for Fresh Ink! Our
innovative young readers review program which has been a huge success. Hundreds
and hundreds of reviews received and uploaded on our blog.
J: Is for the Janes! For
founders Jane Dawson who retired last year and Jane Jacobs who did so very
recently, I thank you for being such great colleagues, for picking such funny
greeting cards to sell and for the amazing knitting and mystery sections!
K: Is for Kobos! I
love the Kobo app for my iPad which I load up with e-books when I travel
through the Porter Square Books website. (And you can too!). In the next ten
years I hope to see Kobo become The Last Word in e-readers for the Indie savvy
book lover.
L: Is for libraries! For
Cambridge Public library's Cambridge READS. For the holiday donations of
books to the shelters. For all libraries for helping create readers and book
M: Is for moveable
expandable shelves! I wish. Especially around the holidays.
N: Is for NPR! Just how
many great books have we heard about on NPR? What a great "partner"
they are for bookshops and authors, especially our friends at WBUR. I used to
love driving in on a Saturday and hearing Scott Simon and Daniel Pinkwater
laugh themselves silly over a new children's book that we would then sell out
of promptly.
O: Is for Off-sites! One
of our first projects, even before we opened, was selling books for the Lesley
University Low-Residency MFA plan and sold or provide books all over the
Cambridge area ever since.
P: Is for Prizewinners! For
the excitement of listening to the announcements on the radio to find out first
who has won the Caldecott and Newbery Awards for each year. For the honor of being
asked to vote for the New England Book awards.
Q: Is for Quilt! We held
a competition a few years ago to win a beautiful handmade Halloween quilt made
by staff member and crafter extraordinaire, Jane Jacobs.
R: Is for Reading! I
suppose I should have kept a log over the years with which to impress but
please just believe me when I say I've read an awful lot in the last decade.
From Wolf Hall to Donna Leon, Publishers Weekly magazine to the London Times
book review section and it's all been wonderful!
S: Is for Staff! We're
a varied lot with many different backgrounds and interests, with a common love
for books. For those retired or just about to, those we have sadly lost, those
who have gone on to other careers and those just joining us, we have all made
PSB the unique place it is today.
T: Is for Teddy! A
permanent fixture in our Children's Section, our big Ted has lots of little
fans. And he's a really good listener if you feel like reading him a story.
U: Is for Ultra cool
stuff! Our knickknacks, puzzles, games, stationery, mugs, t-shirts and things
you didn't even know existed are unique and highly desirable. It's difficult
actually getting out of here with a paycheck most weeks!
V: Is for the Vacuums we
have lost over the years! Most have had names (My personal bête noir was
Windsor!) and have been loved and reviled in turn but whatever form they come
in, its hard to run a shop without them!
W: Is for World Book
Night. As a dedicated WBN book pick-up location, we have been hugely successful
with over 600 books given away free by participants this year alone. We’re very
sad it won’t be happening again next year.
X: Is for eXtraordinary!
Which we are in my opinion. Extraordinarily good booksellers selling
eXtremely good books to eXtremely knowledgeable customers. Can I move on to Y
now please, that was tricky?
Y: Is for New Years Day
sale! For a fun tradition started soon after we opened in Porter Square. Time
to spend those gift cards, treat yourself for some reading for the long cold
days of January.
Z: Is for Zing! For the
coffee and treats that have fueled us all these years.